Subject: Don't lose it

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.””

~ Nehemiah 8:10 NIV
Joy is a choice.

You have the power in every situation you face in life to choose joy or an array of other emotions.

With how fast life moves and the amount of work that needs to get done in a day, it’s easy to forget about joy and pick up worrying, fear, sadness, and frustration.

It’s easy to go through life waiting for a break. Hoping that someone or something will come along and rescue you from your plight.

Maybe you’re feeling weary in your spirit from what seems to be a constant enduring without reaping. Pushing your faith far beyond your comfort zone.

Whatever it is you’re facing don’t lose your joy. Don’t forget to smile throughout the day. Take some time out and laugh about the very thing that may be frustrating you.

Today I’d like to pray for you that you would experience joy abundantly in ALL situations you face in life.

“Father, I ask that wherever Friend is in their walk with you that you restore their joy.

Take them back to when they first came into the knowledge of your redeeming blood. The joy they felt when giving their life to you for good. The feeling of the chains of sin, addiction, and generational curses being broken instantly.

Restore that joy Lord.

Help them to find delight in their trials. Understanding that the purpose far outweighs the pain.

Restore their smile Father. Life has been hard and the first thing that seems to disappear is our smile. Today I claim it back in the name of Jesus.

No longer will the enemy steal their joy with doubt, fear, and anger. Clear their heart Lord that they would be able to drop any grudge they may be holding that is preventing them from enjoying this gift of life.

Lord you are love. You give hope to the hopeless, and you remain faithful in all that you are called upon to do.

Place a joy in their spirit that no man can take away, and let them never relinquish it freely in times of severe testing.

I know you delight in their joy. For it brings you joy. And it is that joy that provides all the strength to carry one.

Receive joy in your life today.

In Jesus name…Amen.”
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