Subject: [Devotional] Your mountain

Psalms 97:5 - Your Mountain

“The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth.” (Psalms 97:5 NIV)

by Chris

I want you to envision this scripture.

Think of the largest mountain or largest piece of land you’ve ever seen. Now envision Jesus standing at the foot of this massive land.

Without words or actions the mountain begins to slowly get smaller and smaller. The longer it is subjected to the presence of God the smaller it becomes.

As I visualize it I can almost hear the mountain screaming as it melts away. What was once a large obstacle for men to attempt to conquer has now been conquered by the Son of Man.

In prayer yesterday, God showed me this is how we are to look at our trials by giving them over to God instead of trying to figure it all out ourselves.

He wants us to shift our approach to look up to Him instead of at the mountain.

How much time do you spend informing God about your issues, instead of telling your issues about God? If you’re not careful you’re prayer life can turn into updates to God on your trials and requests for deliverance.

He wants more than that.

He wants us to invite Him into our lives by speaking life to our situations. God’s presence in our lives becomes known through our acts of faith. Which is putting the Word to work.

Brothers, he must get into the habit of speaking the Word of God to our situations and claiming victory. Ignoring what the masses may say or think, and giving a blind eye to what reality is telling us about the probable outcomes of our trials.

God is not intimidated or surprised by anything we go through on earth. So to approach Him as if He needs to be informed of our trials is to view God through a limited lens.

Instead, God is waiting to see us activate our faith and put ourselves in positions that stretch us through discomfort and necessary dependance on Him.

That’s when He can test our hearts.

That’s when all the time we spent putting the Word in us comes to use by speaking it out of us.

That’s when you experience an entirely new depth in God.

Lets pray...

“Father, we come together claiming you as ruler of all things in heaven and earth. We acknowledge your mighty presence in the midst of our trials. Lord, there is nothing too hard for you. Nothing is impossible. Today give us the presence of mind to speak to our situations. Whether it’s a circumstance or person, Lord bring to our remembrance scriptures that we may activate our faith by speaking them over our trials. We claim victory today in your name Jesus. Amen.”
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