Subject: [Devotional] - You need it

You Need It

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
(Isaiah 55:11)

by Chris

This is one of my favorite scriptures.

I used to hear it all the time but never really understood the power until life challenged me to make some tough decisions.

One decision, in particular, was to leave a church where I was actively involved in leadership (a small church). I was good friends with the pastor and quite “valued” by the members.

I was very comfortable.

The Holy Spirit began to start revealing some things to me that just didn’t settle well with my Spirit. I knew I had to do something but was unsure exactly what.

When I called my Bishop and told him he replied with one sentence…

“You need a Word from God.”

He instructed me not to move until I heard clearly from God.

A later learned the reason for his instruction. It was based off this scripture.

He knew with the real hard decisions in life we have a natural tendency to want to retreat to our previous situation when things get tough.

However, if God has given you a word to move forward (that can’t return void), that then becomes the fuel of your faith to continue to push on.

But you need a Word to move in such faith.

Friend what Word has God given you that you have not acted on fully?

Put your faith to work and take him at his Word. 

He cannot fail.

Lets pray…

“Lord thank you for an unfailing Word. When you speak, you are not like man Father. ALL of your words are true and worth trusting in. Help us to trust in your Word more Father. In order to do the great works you have called us to, we need to hear, listen, and act on your Word. From now on…we will Lord. In Jesus Name we pray…


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