Subject: [Devotional] Yes men

Proverbs 27:6 - Yes Men

“Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” (Proverbs 27:6 NIV)

by Chris

When I first graduated college I decided I wanted to experience serving in my local church.

Although I grew up in church, serving as an adult under my own free will was something I had yet to experience.

So I did just that. Joined a local church, starting serving, and started to enjoy the experience I had set out for.

That was until I realized something. The more I served, the more I was noticed by the pastor. The more the pastor noticed the quality of my serve the closer he brought me into his inner circle.

It wasn’t until I was invited into his inner circle that I saw what I would later identify has fatal to his ministry....

...he surrounded himself with “Yes men”.

Can you think of a time when you surrounded yourself with people who will agree with your every decision? Ultimately giving you the feeling of being right more than being effective.

As a leader, you do not want to surround yourselves with such people. You want people close to you who will respectfully challenge your motives and actions when they may be viewed as harmful to the rest.

Brothers, you have to continually die daily by putting your pride and ego to the side when in leadership. It gets in the way of surrounding yourself with people who will genuinely correct you in love.

The adversary wants to surround leaders with people who will allow anything to go as long as they maintain their position. This kind of mentality has been damaging today’s church culture.

The Word confirms that a true friend can deliver harsh words that my cut deep...but can be trusted.

Wounds that are necessary in leadership.

These are wounds worth bearing.

Lets pray...

“Father, help us to continue to kill our flesh daily. Kill our pride and ego that longs for human approval and appraisal. Let our desires be to walk upright amongst each other instead of being right. Help us to identify the right people to surround ourselves with to aid our growth in leadership. Thank you for providing trusted friends who will speak to truth to us even though it may hurt. Teach us how to receive such correction without offense Father. In Jesus name we pray. Amen”

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