Subject: [Devotional] What to pray for

1 Thessalonians 5:17 - What to Pray For

“Never stop praying.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT)

by Chris

This morning God put it on my heart to pray for every single prayer request that I have ever received from this devotional.

I went through all the replies that were sent and personally prayed for all of you. Specific prayers where I mentioned your name.

In doing so, I remember how powerful it was when I knew you all were praying for me in my time of need.

I want to unleash that same power on the lives of every man today. I’ve compiled a general lists of areas on our lives we need to lift each other up in, daily.

No matter how long you pray, make sure you are creating a life of consistent prayer. God isn’t impressed with mere action, but more-so your heart.

When you pray daily, it shows that God is not only on your heart; but on your mind as well.

Take time today and pray for the following areas for your fellow brothers in Christ:

  • Renewed joy of salvation
  • Faith in God’s promise and provision
  • Pornography and sexual sin
  • Health in our body (especially diabetics)
  • Forgiveness of past mistakes
  • Church home
  • Marriages
  • Intentional devotional time with the Lord
  • Endurance
  • Patience

As you begin to pray on these areas let the Holy Spirit guide your heart. If there are additional areas that need prayer make sure you pray for those areas as well.

Prayer is our most powerful tool for breaking down earthly strongholds. Lets be mindful to use it and never put it down.

Lets pray...

“Thank you for prayer, Lord. We appreciate that you take the time to hear our every word. Even more we are grateful that you are not just a God of hearing, but also a God of speaking. Father give us the ear to hear you instruction on our lives. Train mind to discern your voice and your command for us. We are mighty men of God that will not just listen to your word but will put it into action as well. We obey you because we love you. We will never stop praying. Amen.”

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