Subject: [Devotional] What a word

Matthew 24:35 - What A Word

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35 NIV)

by Chris

The power of our words are powerful.

The power of His words are even more powerful.

We know that God is not a God of waste or broken promises. This means He would not waste words by making a promise he has no intentions on keeping.

Sadly enough this is not the case for a lot of men.

Irresponsible men carelessly promise time with their children only to never show up or call. Devastating their children with broken promise after broken promise.

Could you imagine how you would feel if God was that flaky with His promises towards us?

Men, our words carry weight. People should be able to know that once we say we will do something...

We're gonna do it.

Our word should be our bond. A certificate good for redemption the moment it's given.

No great leader makes empty promises or uses empty words to those that follow.

Christ is the ultimate proof of that.

If He said it. He'll do I. I believe it. And that's good enough for me.

Lets pray...

"Lord thank you for your word. When this world is no more, we can gain comfort in knowing your promises for us still remain. Help us to have that kind of value and consistency with our words. You have called us to be men of integrity who honor their words no matter the circumstance. We accept that cal Father. In Jesus Name we pray...Amen"

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