Subject: [Devotional] Welcome Home

Luke 15:20 - Welcome Home

“And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” 
(Luke 15:20 NIV)

by Chris

There are so many applications for the story of the Prodigal Son in the bible.

In summary, a young son left his father’s property to go make a way for himself. He took all his father had given him and spent it on reckless living. When he realized how far he had fallen he hesitantly decided to return home.

To his surprise his father did not welcome him with anger and disappointment, but with open arms. Ready to love on him and celebrate.

This upset the older brother since he had always been by his father’s side and felt that his younger brother should not have such a grand welcome home party.

It’s easy to see ourselves as the prodigal son; however, how many of us can see ourselves as the older brother? If we are not careful we can have the same attitude towards other Christians who have fallen away from the faith and returned.

I know I have to check my heart at times when I see people do wrong and still get grace extended. The flesh in me wants them to get what they deserve.

But the spirit man shows me I am no better than they are. The same grace that was once extended freely towards me should be freely extended to them as well.

The focus should be on the lost sheep returning, not our own selfish feelings. The same is seen in the scripture.

The younger son’s focus was on the father; the older son’s was on himself and how much he had been wronged.

The father loves them both equally. 

Just as the son paved a path to return to the father.

Such has Jesus done for all.

Lets pray...

“Father today we pray for those who have fallen away from your presence. They have been enticed by all the empty promises the world offers and lost their way. We pray that as a body we will have the spirit of the father in this story upon their return. That they will be greeted in love when we come across them. We pray that you convict the hearts of men that know of your goodness, and reveal yourself to those who don’t. In Jesus name we pray...Amen.”
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