Subject: [Devotional] We all need it

My Personal Letter (please read)...

I wanted to take a slight break today from our regular devotionals and share my heart with you today.

Yesterday I had a great talk with a fellow subscriber, and now good friend in the Lord, about the state of Christian men.

That conversation was confirmation that starting this devotional was well needed.

Here's the real reason why I started this devotional...

I love God, my wife, and my children. However, that does not make me exempt from sin.

What I found is that we all struggle in our own personal space, but due to pride, confidence, fear of failure, fear of rejection, or just flat out being judged we don't talk about the struggle.

We talk about everything except what's most important.

Even though I have a best friend I can be accountable to I will not open up to him unless I absolutely have to.

This is the worse approach we can take as men.

Let me ask you...
have you ever opened up to another man about your struggle only to find they had the same struggle?

If you have you know the feeling of relief in finding out that you are not struggling alone and felt more free after admitting to someone who understands.

We need to do that more often! Get free.

Satan wants to keep us isolated and mute towards one another so he can tell us we're the worse sinner or that we're too nasty.

The devil is a lie!

I started this devotional with one goal in mind...
provide a safe place for us to get free and hold each other accountable.

I figured maybe since we don't talk we will type.

Brothers as a single (and married) man I have struggled with
pornography heavily. I know I'm not the only one. In fact, I know most of you are struggling with it right now.

That's just one of many areas of my "
secret sins".

But I'm willing to be transparent and talk about these sins if you are.

So use this devotional as more than just a read and go type of deal.

You now have at least one person that you can confide in that will not judge you, condemn you, or put you on blast.

It's as simple as hitting reply and typing whatever is on your heart that you need to get off.

Lets not let the devil use silence as a weapon to keep us divided and defeated.

Experience the freedom in Christ that God intended us to have. It starts with talking typing about it.

Hope to hear your heart soon...

In great faith and love,

Chris L. Davis

Today's Scripture
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective"(James 5:16)

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