Subject: [Devotional] - True freedom

1 Corinthians 6:12 - True Freedom

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 NIV)

by Chris

The world tend to think Christians live lives of restrictions and boundaries. This way of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth.

There is more freedom in Christ than there will ever be in the world. But we must not abuse it.

Today’s scripture deals with the abuse of such freedoms within the Corinthian church. They were trying to justify their sinful nature with what the law of the land allowed them to do freely.

The Corinthian law saw nothing wrong with a “religious” person using prostitutes. Therefore the Corinthian Christians were attempting to use the law as a license to sin (have sex with prostitutes).

How many times has society given the green light towards what we know is against God’s word (ex. abortion, gay marriage, masturbation, etc)?

Brothers, God never intended on telling us exactly what’s wrong and right to do in every situation (there are a lot of “gray areas” in our society). He did something far greater.

He gave the Holy Spirit to reside in us so that we may be able to test the things of this world. Through discernment of the Spirit we are able to see all things in the light God sees them in.

The closer we get to Him the more clear we are able to hear and see what the Spirit reveals to us. Eventually our desires become one with the Father.

At that point it no longer becomes a matter of what we can get away with and remain saved, it becomes what can we do to please the Father more.

And the ways we can live our lives to please God are endless.

Remember, God is not focused with the actions of men more than he is concerned with the heart of men.

Give Him your heart and your actions will follow.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for giving us ultimate freedom in Christ. Lord remove any sinful desires from our heart that get in the way of pleasing you with our lives. Help us to realize the true freedom is Christ is far greater than any empty promise the world offers. Let the use of our freedoms in Christ draw us closer to you. Putting on display to the world what real freedom is. In Jesus name...


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