Subject: [Devotional] - Too Hard

Too Hard

“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts”
(Hebrews 3:8)

by Chris

One of the enemies favorite ways to deceive us, is to convince us to go against our discernment.

To get us to ignore that small voice and feeling we have when we know we shouldn’t be doing a certain thing.

The goal for the enemy is to train us to ignore God’s voice.

He uses the small areas in our lives to do this, so we will be more prone to fail in the major areas.

He uses entertainment like tv shows, musics, or clubbing; and convinces us that they will do us no harm.

Since we often times we cannot see the immediate effect, he tricks us into believing it has no effect on us at all.

But furthermore, he’s using small areas like these in our lives to train us to ignore God’s voice of discernment.

So when it comes time to make a major decisions we are prone to ignore God’s voice since we’ve been trained to do so in the small areas of our lives.

Brothers, do not let your heart get hard towards the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Take every opportunity to fine tune your ears to His voice and act fast on what His instruction is.

Honor is voice in your life always.

Lets pray...

“Father forgive us for every time we have ignored your voice. Help our hearts to remain soft to your every word and instruction. Give us the wisdom to see past the action and see the future effects of the sin we are faced with. In Jesus name...
