Subject: [Devotional] They that wait

Hebrews 6:15 - They That Wait

“Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.” (Hebrews 6:15 NLT)

by Chris

God made a ridiculous promise to Abram.

In Abram’s old age God promised that he would have more descendants than he could count. This was crazy to Abram because he was nearly 100 years old and his wife Sarai had never bore any children prior to this.

In fact, they both laughed at the Lord when he reconfirmed the promise for the second time.

Has God ever promised something to you that made you literally laugh in disbelief? A lot of times they are things we desire most in our hearts but have trouble accepting that God will actually give it to us.

Doubt does not change God’s promise. Once He gives his word there is nothing you can do to void it. God blesses us without repentance. He never goes back on his word. That's a trait of man.

This is seen through Abram’s actions. He and his wife both decided that the Lord had no clue that Sarai was too old to bare children, so they decided that Abram should have a baby by his maidservant/slave Hagar.

Years later God still delivered on His promise, in spite of Abram’s doubt and disobedience. He changed Abram’s name to Abraham, and Sarai’s name to Sarah.

Out of that seed came our savior Jesus Christ.

There was a 25 year span between the promise of God to Abraham and the fulfillment of the promise. Maybe now you can understand how Abraham allowed himself to doubt God.

Brothers, what God did for Abraham he will do for you. All of God’s promises are sealed with 'yes' and 'amen'. A seal that is never to be broken until the appointed time.

We must exercise patience and endurance to see all of our promises to fulfillment. It won’t be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.

What promise(s) has God given you? Do you believe it/them with your whole heart?

If so, let patience have it’s perfect place and keep your faith in God and his word that he will accomplish in your life the very thing he promised he would do.

Lets pray...

“We believe you God! Every promise you have spoken into our lives we receive it. Help us to grow our patience through faith in your Word that we will remain hopeful for your promises in our lives. Let us not be distracted by time or physical restrictions, but to always focus on your faithfulness and the limitless possibilities in your name. Amen”

More prayer, more power.
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