Subject: [Devotional] - The last days

The Last Days

“In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people....
I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below...
And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved”

by Chris

This was too heavy on my heart this week not to share today.

If you’ve been following the news, you know the devastation Oklahoma has been through with the tornado that recently plumaged neighborhoods.

A lot dead and unfound. Amongst them were a lot of children.

Is this God’s will?

Didn’t he promise wars against nations and natural disasters in the last days?

While this are good, and important, questions; I feel that in times like these people need scriptures of comfort and promise.

I can’t imagine how the families are feeling and what they are going through. If they’re looking for someone to blame I could see how they might point fingers erroneously to the creator of all in the earth.

However, as I was praying for the state of Oklahoma, God showed me this scripture in Acts where His promise is accurately comforting.

God promises a pouring out of his Spirit in the last days, and offers salvation to whomever will call on his name.

Our God doesn’t bring death and devastation to those he loves, instead he offers his Holy Spirit and salvation to those who will accept it.

He offers his Holy Spirit to those who will cry to Him in this pain and devastation.

Brothers, today join me in prayer as we lift up Oklahoma and every life affected by this week’s tragedy.

Nobody knows the reason these unfortunate events happens, but we know we serve a God who keeps his promise(s).

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for the pouring out of your Spirit. We pray that it may land on those in distress and comfort them beyond understanding. Help the victims in Oklahoma seek you for salvation and rest, instead of fault and blame. Lord reveal your love for them in these terrible times that they may know you as the great lover you are. Bless them father. Heal their physical wounds and the wounds of their hearts. In Jesus name...


Tomorrow will be our guest post from our brother Brandon LaRue. If you have something on your heart you’d like to share with the group email it to me. Reply to this email with whatever God has placed on your heart to share with us all.
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