Subject: [Devotional] - The Lost

The Lost

“Do not fret because of those who are evil
or be envious of those who do wrong;
for like the grass they will soon wither,
like green plants they will soon die away”
(Psalms 37:1-2 NIV)

by Chris

What a great reminder.

It’s easy to get caught up in what the media displays as successful or prosperous.

They paint an image that is faulty and promised to fade away. We know this because we are followers of Christ and readers of His word.

What about those that don’t know Jesus or read the bible?

How will they know the temporal nature of such “success”?

They pursue it with all their hearts, but are never satisfied when they obtain it. They smile for the cameras and feel empty and alone behind the scenes. Drug abuse and perverted sex becomes their answer to fill the void they thought success would.

Yet, some Christians will find themselves admiring and coveting such lifestyles. Being drawn away from the faith for a taste of the world’s pleasure(s).

Brother’s this cannot be. Guard your heart and pray for a renewed mind daily so that we can remain level headed and spirit discerning towards these false images.

Since we know the end, our actions should reflect such knowledge.

These are the lost sheep Jesus has commissioned us to return.

The day of His return draws nearer daily, lets be of the mindset to leave no sheep behind.

We have the greatest gift of all time...salvation.

Make sure you do not keep it to yourself.

Lets pray...

“Thank you for your promises. Today we pray for every stray sheep. The ones that fell away from the faith as well as those who don’t believe in the faith. They are blinded Father, help us to be a light for them. Help us guard our hearts and minds from the lusts of the world. Let us not keep the wonderful gift of salvation to ourselves, but spread it freely to those who are willing to believe. In Jesus name...


What are some things you find yourself admiring of the world? It doesn’t make you a sinner, it confirms you are human. Make a list and share it with me if you feel led.