Subject: [Devotional] - Special delivery

Special Delivery

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” (Psalms 34:17 ESV)

by Chris

God is a deliverer.

There is no struggle, issue, or stronghold the Lord cannot free you from.

But you have to be sick of it. You have to be done playing with it and make up your mind to surrender it to the father.

Don’t try to fix it or quit it on your won’t be able to.

You have to cry to the Father and allow Him to takeover.

I did, and here’s a list of what I’ve been delivered from:
  • Lying (I was the worse)
  • Stealing (from anybody and everybody)
  • Drug Abuse (weed)
  • Pornography ( was heavily addicted)
  • Fornication (ashamed of the number of women)
  • Verbal abuse (my wife)
  • Manipulation (EVERYbody)
  • Robbing (I’m talking stealing with a force)
  • Cursing (literally every other word)
  • Homicidal thoughts (friends and “enemies”)
  • Depraved mind (thoughts I’m too embarrassed to share)
This is just a small list.

It’s big for me, however, because any of those issues above could have landed me in the grave, jail, or some halfway house.

Some of those issues I was delivered from personally, others I needed help from the brethren to lift me up and walk me through it.

Either was all God.

What’s your struggle? Think about your top 3 that you would love for God to remove.

Take it a step further and admit them to another man in your life that you can trust. If you don’t know anybody hit reply to this email and let me know.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for being a deliverer from mess. We all fall short and you never stop loving on us. Let us accept your power over all our struggles in our lives today. Relinquishing all control over to you and admitting the feeble nature of our flesh. Surround us by men who will hold us accountable and give us the courage to talk (or type) to them. In Jesus Name...


I want to personally thank you for being a part of this devotional. God is up to something that he has not yet revealed, but I know it will benefit us all greatly.

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