Subject: [Devotional] Solo

1 Peter 5:8-9 - Solo

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5:8-9)

by Chris

You are not alone in your struggles.

I know it may feel like that at times but it is not the truth.

For men, since most of us don’t express to each other what we go through; we create this invisible barrier.

So in times of struggle we cannot get our feelings out and cannot receive help from others. Through this isolation the devil begins to magnify the situation.

He will have you thinking your situation is the worse and no one has ever successfully gone through what you’re going through. Before you know it you’re throwing a pity party for yourself internally, while externally you may appear to have it all together.

Eventually the outer man will reflect the inner man. You will see this through infidelity, loss of integrity, sudden anger, etc.

But thanks be to a Savior who endured all so that we will always have someone to relate to in our sufferings!

Our God is good. He knew this trick of the adversary and already created an infallible counter. Not only that, but through His word he also encourages us to confide in one another.

There is no sin, or suffering, you are going through that someone else has not gone through or is going through.

How often do you find yourself viewing your sufferings as only yours? Do you ever catch yourself and realize that there is no sin new to man? Did you realize, whatever you are going through now there is someone who has made it through the exact circumstance?

Brothers, today I encourage you to confide in another man about any sufferings or struggles you may be enduring today.

Take initiative and start the conversation. Be open, be honest, and be vulnerable.

In doing so, you will find that not only are you not alone, but there are a number of saints enduring the same sufferings.

We have to stop carrying the weight of secret sin when we are amongst brothers who truly care and will not judge our shortcomings.

Just remember...

"If you are suffering alone, you’re suffering wrong."

Let’s pray..

“Lord thank you for sending your son Jesus. In doing so you allowed us always have someone to relate to in our sufferings. When we don’t have the courage to confide in our fellow brethren you are always there. But today we pray for strength to confide in our fellow brothers. Knowing that they are suffering internally as well, give us the courage to address this secret sin and expose it. For we know in exposing it we strip it of any power over our lives. The true freedom you promised us is ours Lord. We claim it as we share in our sufferings for your name. Amen.”

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