Subject: [Devotional] Shining lights

1 Corinthians 15:33 - Shining Lights

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’ ” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV)

by Chris

My cousin’s late grandfather never missed an opportunity to share the gospel with everybody he came in contact with.

One year while leaving his house after Thanksgiving dinner, he positioned himself on a chair at the exiting door. He spoke something to each and every person who left his house that night.

As I was exiting he grabbed my arm and said…

“Son, never let the devil ride because he’ll always want to drive”.

Those words and that moment always stuck with me.

It helped me understand just how powerful the influence of sin and sinful people can be in our lives.

When was the last time you hung around the wrong crowd and ended up conforming to their lifestyle? Whether it was going to the club, cursing, smoking weed, or just flat out sin. You found yourself in a situation you knew you had no business in.

Brothers, we have to constantly stay on guard. There is no circumstance, person, or holiday that should ever be reason enough to put our walk with Christ at risk.

You have worked too hard to build your integrity to allow it to be tarnished by being in the presence of the wrong people.

As ambassadors of Christ, our duty is to make sure our light shines bright at all times. Therefore we do not have to subject ourselves to situations that put our faith and integrity in jeopardy.

Just as a light in the darkness draws attention, we have the ability to witness and love people from a distance and let the spirit draw them near.

Today, how bright is your light shining?

Lets pray…

“Father thank you for your Holy Spirit. It enables us to shine a light of truth in the face of darkness. Help us to discern the times when our we are called to draw people to the light from the darkness; and the times we are called to bring the light into the darkness. Let our confidence and strength remain in your Spirit alone and not our own flesh. Protect us from evil so that our name can remain great amongst men that you would get all the glory Lord. Amen”

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