Subject: [Devotional] Rain

Matthew 5:45 - Rain

“In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” (Matthew 5:45 NLT)

by Chris

Many people think living for Christ means living a life without struggle or hard times.

People expect good things to start coming their way as soon as they switch teams from evil to good. When it doesn’t happen that way they get frustrated and start contemplating if living right is worth it.

In contrast, there are people whose lives are full of sin that seem to catch every break and prosper at pretty much everything.

Both truths can be a bit discouraging and hard to internalize as a Christian.

The world paints a picture that shows the good prospering and the evil being punished. No mercy or grace, simply “you get what you deserve”.

However, you cannot apply that same principle to Christ. To do so would ignore the power of grace. A grace that is extended to even the worst of sinners.

When’s the last time you sinned and did not get the penalty you deserved? It’s easy to accept grace when it extends to our faults, it’s a bit harder to believe grace when we are going through.

God has always been truthful with us. He promised us a happy ending but also guaranteed many trials in the interim. As Christians, we should expect to go through and be persecuted even more than those that belong to the world.

It’s how the power (and grace) of God is made evident in our lives for others to observe and believe.

The rain in our lives is meant to make us stronger. Grow us. Not to break us or cause us to backslide.

Brothers, next time in your rain (trial) don’t grab the umbrella and try to avoid from getting wet. Allow the rain to pour on you as it will.

Just as every living mechanism depends on rain to grow, we as Children of God need trials in our lives to allow us to grow our faith.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for the trials you send our way. We know the result is a victory and you use them to grow our faith in you. Thank you for your grace you extend to sinners. For we were once in the world in need of such grace that you extended unreservedly. Father, help us maintain the correct mindset in the midst of our storm. Let us see the potential of growth in it and not feel the need to avoid it. In Jesus name we pray...


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