Subject: [Devotional] Pray for me

Isaiah 38:5 - Pray For Me

“Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.” 
(Isaiah 38:5 NIV)

by Chris

Today is a bit different. If you will just bare with me.

Brothers, I am in need of prayer.

The reason I started this devotional was to create accountability for myself to study the Word of God daily. That has been accomplished (this is the 74th devotional in a row!).

In addition, I also wanted to provide a safe means for men to communicate silently about issues they may be dealing with or going through in life.

As men you know we can keep a lot of crap inside. I’m tired of doing that. I’ll be the first to admit I need help.

I need prayer.

God has called me to walk a path of promise. However, my current condition tends to constantly remind me of how far away from the promise I appear to be.

I know it’s the enemy and I know he is a lie, but I find it hard at times to lean on God.

It’s almost like I feel like God has forgotten how bad my situation is or how much I need Him to show up. I look into the eyes of my children and wife and I feel pressure. At times, when I look past today all I can see is failure.

No matter how wrong I know this thinking is I still go through it. I guess that’s what makes me human.

So I’m asking each and every one of you to pray for me today.

Why do you think men don’t pray as much as we should? Do you think we underestimate the power of prayer in our lives?

Hezekiah was ill to the point of death and he called out to the Lord and his life was spared. God added fifteen more years to his life and promised him victory over his adversaries.

God is showing us that no matter how close to death and destruction we are, He will deliver us if we yet call on Him.

So the request today is I call on the Lord in my situation will you join me?

Friend, can I ask for you to pray to God on my behalf?

I know you will.

Today’s prayer: Today I am asking if you could email me a prayer that I could read to myself and find extra strength and encouragement today.

It doesn’t have to be long or deep. Just some words of encouragement that will help me to continue to lean on Jesus as I continue down this path of promise for my life.

Thank you.
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