Subject: [Devotional] Old stuff

Ecclesiastes 1:9 - Old Stuff

"What has been will be again,what has been done will be done again;there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

by Chris

Seems like the older I get the less surprised I get about the world and the people in it.

Not that I’ve “been around the block a few times” but moreso due to the fact that there’s nothing happening today that hasn’t happened before.

The sins we see people commit today are repeat sins of the past. A good look at the bible will prove it.

Murder...check out Cane and Abel.

Homosexuality...look at Sodom and Gomorrah.

Hypocrites...follow the Pharasies. the Jews crucify Jesus.

It’s the enemy that wants to trick us into believing our sin is new and so bad that we cannot ask for forgiveness.

Have you ever shared a sin with someone only to find they had the same sinful struggle? After you revealed it to them you felt like a major weight was lifted and comforted knowing you weren’t the only one.

All sin is old sin. 

There is not a sin today that has not been committed in the past and won’t be committed in the future.

Brothers, the devil is lame with limited tricks. Since he’s a master of deceit he simply uses the same tricks over and over again.

Unfortunately these same tricks work have been working for ages.

The devil tries to use shock from sin and turn it into shame in order to separate us from God.

But the gig is up! 

Next time the enemy tries to condemn you of sin, understand that just as people have overcome that same sin before you have to power to do it

Lets pray...

“Father you are all knowing. There is nothing that catches you off guard or surprises you. Thank you for giving us that same wisdom towards sin. Help us to understand there is no great sin that we can commit that has not already been committed. Furthermore, Father when we commit such sin let our convictions drive us to repentance and back in your presence. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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