Subject: [Devotional] No looking back

Luke 9:62 - No Looking Back

“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’ ”
(Luke 9:62 NIV)

by Chris

Sometimes I think about how lucky those who got to walk with Jesus were.

Then scriptures like this snap me back into reality. They help me realize that walking with Jesus is never an easy task.

He always calls you out of your comfort zone and requires you to do more than you are capable of in your own strength.

That was the case for the man who decided to follow Jesus, but first wanted to say goodbye to his family. This scripture was Jesus’ response to him.

Honestly, how would you feel today if you asked your pastor a similar question and this was his reply? Most people would be appalled and ready to leave the church. They would think of the pastor as insensitive, harsh, and calloused.

Yet this kind of tough truth is necessary. Jesus knew what lies ahead for those who choose to follow Him and needed to make sure the focus was in looking forward from the start.

Brothers, God has called us to be decisive in all walks of our lives. What good is a man who makes a decision then immediately starts doubting and looking back at what he could’ve/should’ve done?

We are to be bold and confident in our decision making and steadfast in our execution. Especially when it pertains to the kingdom of God.

Just as the size of your car’s windshield being bigger than your rear view mirrors signifies where you are going as being more important than where you’ve been.

Walking with God is the same way.

Lets pray...

“Lord there are so many distractions. Our society trains us to be indecisive by training us to always entertain alternatives. But we know that doesn’t apply to you Lord. You are the way, the truth, and the life. There are no alternatives to walking with Christ. Lord we pray that you will raise up decisive men who will commit to following you no matter the circumstance. Men that will keep their focused stayed on you as they navigate through life’s trials. Lord we are those men. As you pave the path we will follow you Lord. Thank you for your leadership. Amen”

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