Subject: [Devotional] Never enough

Exodus 16:3 - Never Enough

“The Israelites said to them, ‘If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.’” (Exodus 16:3 NIV)

by Chris

If you’re not careful you can end up exactly like the Israelites.

After hundreds of years of slavery in Egypt they had finally been delivered from the strong hand of Pharoh. Set free to never return again.

They saw God work miraculously by parting the Red Sea and allowing them to cross while witnessing Pharoh and his men get engulfed.

And they are moments later complaining.

Complaining mainly because they could no longer see where God’s provision for food would come from.

Have you ever met someone that never passes up an opportunity to point out what’s wrong? They never see the glass as half-full or half-empty; they simply see it as “never full enough”.

That’s how the Israelites were and it was taxing on Moses as a leader. No matter how many times God delivered they still found a way to doubt and complain.

They even went as far as to fantasize about being enslaved!

Brothers, as the Israelites did, we can easily lose focus on the future God has planned for us by looking at our current situation.

If we’re not careful we can find ourselves complaining to God about what we used to have or how things used to be instead of accepting what He has promised to us.

God is still good though. After this string of complaints He provided manna from heaven that continually fed everyone. 

As always, He had it all planned out.

God is faithful and He will not stop providing because you start complaining.

Remember...”it may not feel good while it’s working, but it’s working for your good”.

Lets pray...

“Father forgive us for every provision you’ve given that has gone unappreciated. Every work that you have done in our lives that we let slip our memory due to current circumstances. Help us to establish a permanent attitude of gratitude towards what you have done, are doing, and will do on our behalf. Remove the spirit of complaining from our hearts today Lord. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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