Subject: [Devotional] My story

Luke 15:17-18 - My Story

When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger!  I will go home to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you,” (Luke 15:17-18 NLT)

by Chris

I grew up going to church almost everyday out of the week. I accepted Jesus into my heart in the 4th grade.

I have always been aware that I needed to live according to his word, I just have not always walked in that truth.

As my teen years approached I started being tempted with women, money, drugs, and popularity. This caused me to sleep with more women than I’d like to admit as well as some pretty dishonest endeavors for money.

By 18 years old I was probably in the worst state of sin I’d ever been in my entire life. Leaving to college highlighted this as I realized what I had been doing in high school most guys were just starting in college.

I didn’t take pride in this, however. God had already started reworking my heart and nudging me back to Him.

I’d like to say I came to Christ on a Sunday during a powerful message with the Holy Spirit moving mightily throughout the congregation. 

That just wasn’t the case for me.

I was all alone in the privacy of my own apartment, reading a book, when God convicted me and I rededicated my life back to Christ.

Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if I did it right since I had never heard of anyone getting saved on their own. But I could feel a change in my heart. A weight had been lifted up and a burden removed.

Since that day I’ve been following Christ diligently. And it all started when I came to my senses.

Have you ever stopped and realized that you needed to change the situation or surroundings you were currently in? Nothing about the situation was different besides your new outlook on it.

This is what happened to the prodigal son (and myself).

Brothers, when the Lord enlightens you to the truth in your life take heed. Act on what He is revealing to you and do not look back.

It is a blessing to have an awakening moment. It’s proof that God will never give up on you and truly has a plan for your life.

I am a living witness to His undying love, mercy, and goodness.

And forever thankful to Him for choosing me.

Lets pray...

“Lord...THANK YOU. You could’ve given up on me but you didn’t. You remained committed to me even in my sin. Your love is everlasting. Lord let every man reading this experience your love on a deeper level. Let them soften their hearts and sharpen their ears to your voice Lord. So that when you bring them to their senses they don’t just respond, but they commit. In Jesus name we pray...amen”
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