Subject: [Devotional] More than enough

John 14:1-2 - More Than Enough

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:1-2 NLT)

by Chris

This is great assurance for every Christian.

There is absolutely no lack in God. He does not have a limited capacity of blessings that can only be rendered to those who are most important.

Heaven does not have a maximum number of occupants it can hold before they have to close the gates to everyone else.

In a world where people will covet before they congratulate it is easy to lose sight of the limitless resources in God.

Easy to start believing that God operates under the same laws of the realm of this world; when he has conquered the world and given us full authority over it.

In doing so He also gives us an assurance that he has prepared a place that has enough room for all who love and obey his commands.

Have you ever stayed at someone’s house who did not prepare a place for you beforehand? How did it make you feel?

Preparation shows respect on honor for time spent with others. It lets people know that they are important and you value their presence and time.

This is what the scripture is conveying to us. Though his disciples were weary in heart for the news of his departure from earth, Jesus reassured that his leaving was not in vain.

That He was going to prepare a place that he was confident in the arrival of his disciples. Jesus believed they would finish life and rest eternally with him.

Wow...that is some faith Jesus had in his disciples!

Brothers, He has the same faith in us. He is awaiting our arrival. Our place is already prepared because we are important to Him and he longs for our eternal presence with him.

Take courage today in your trials that your toil is not in vain. God delights in knowing that we are fighting the good fight and keeping the faith.

He is as excited as you are to be reunited with each other for eternity.

Lets pray...

“Father, you love us so much. You have taken the time not only to prepare a place for us, but you have paved a path for us to follow to inherit this place. You thought about us when it seemed no one else cared. You believe in us when the world labels us failures. You simply never give up on us. We thank you with our whole heart for your undying love. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

More prayer, more power.
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