Subject: [Devotional] - Lust of the eyes

Lust of the eyes

“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ” (Matthew 5:18 NIV)

by Chris

I’ll never forget the day I was in leadership at my previous church...

One of the gentlemen on my team came to me in shame admitting that he had been looking at “the goods” of one of the fellow sisters serving in ministry.

While he expected a rebuke from me, he received something totally different...compassion and empathy.

I expressed to him I see her goods too. Every service in fact. But I also told him I don’t look long enough to lust after her.

As a married man I am 200% satisfied with my wife, both inside and out. I am also 100% man and flesh.

This means I still see other women that are attractive and appealing to my eye. That is not the sin this scripture is referring to.

Check out this excerpt from a commentary I read:

“Imagination is a God-given gift; but if it is fed dirt by the eye, it will be dirty. All sin, not the least sexual sin, begins with the imagination. Therefore what feeds the imagination is of maximum importance in the pursuit of kingdom righteousness.” (Carson)

Powerful right?

Brothers, as leaders of society we have to guard our hearts. Be careful what we gaze upon and allow into our minds.

The enemy is after our minds. He knows the body only goes where the head instructs it. Both in our lives and in church (the head being the pastor).

Today lets make an extra effort to look but not stare, want but not covet, express sympathy where we can’t extend empathy, and be a bit more restrictive to what we allow in our hearts.

Lets pray...

“The devil is a lie. I rebuke the shame he has tried to place in our hearts as men for simply being human. Lord we acknowledge the beauty of women today without lusting after them. Help us guard our hearts to produce good thoughts and words towards one another. We lift up every Pastor leading a church and pray for their continual triumph over temptation. We expect these things done in your name Jesus...

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