Subject: [Devotional] Little things (Pt. 2)

Matthew 15:26-27 - No Offense

He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
“Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” 
(Matthew 15:26-27 NIV)

by Chris

Now that’s just offensive.

Can you imagine a preacher saying those exact words to a church member today? It would be catastrophic to their ministry to say the least.

In this scripture a Canaanite Women was kneeling before the Lord and asking Him for help.

And that’s how He responds?!

In today’s society I’ve seen people get cursed out for way less.

But check out the woman’s response. She was not taken aback by the comment at all. She continue to push.

What we find in the scripture is that this woman was “unoffendable”. She merely would not let any offense prevent her from what she sought from the Lord.

And because of her unwillingness to take offense the Lord commended her faith and granted her request.

When is the last time you responded positively to someone offending you? The enemy has been using offense in the body of Christ for years to divide and cause strife.

When you take offense to what someone says you immediately shut down and can no longer receive correction. In fact, for most people their reaction is to offend in return.

This is exactly the kind of reaction the enemy wants.

Brothers, we must toughen up in our spirit and our skin to become “unoffendable” like the Canaanite woman. We must not let offense get us distracted from what God has called us to do.

This woman believed in the healing power of Jesus so much that not even the Savior himself could offend her.

Remember, your level of maturity and confidence in any area of your life is directly connected to the level of offense you are able to brush off.

Your faith relies on it as well.

Lets pray...

“Thank you Father for every granted request and answered prayer. We acknowledge your almighty power in our lives today. Grant us the strength to be not easily offended. Help us to live pride-less lives amongst each other to keep the effects of offense at a minimal in the body of Christ. Give us the strength, Father, to continue to operate in faith and perserverance in the face of offense. In Jesus Name we pray...

Amen ”

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