Subject: [Devotional] - Little things (Pt. 1)

Song of Solomon 2:15 - Little Things (Pt. 1)

“Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom” 
(Song of Solomon 2:15 NASB)

by Chris

Any relationship worth having is a relationship worth fighting for.

Most times it is in the fight that a true friendship is established and strengthened.

I’ll never forget going on a road trip with a friend from college and getting into a heated argument. After we both calmed down and were able to hear each other’s point of view, we realized what we were fighting over was simply a minor miscommunication.

Since that day we have been best friends.

That outcome was not what the enemy wanted. The enemy likes to form a wedge between your fruitful relationships by using small issues that go unaddressed for a prolonged period of time.

A small miscommunication here, a minor offense there, and before you know it there is a wedge of anger and frustration in your relationship.

When’s the last time you had an important relationship strained due to a small issue? Unfortunately it happens all the time in marriages and relationships in the body of Christ.

A lot of people do not like confrontation or struggle with healthy communication, so these small issues become large walls that often times destroy relationships.

Brothers, let us be intentional to deal with small issues in our relationships as soon as they arise. On the other hand, we must also be willing to receive correction openly when someone brings a matter to us.

For every big issue that has torn healthy relationships in the body of Christ apart, they all began as a “small fox”.

Value your relationships enough to kill small issues quickly, as they come up; instead of letting them grow into larger problems that seem insurmountable.

A godly relationship is always worth fighting for.

Lets pray...

“Father, give us the strength to deal with the small foxes in our relationships. Let us not allow any wedge to be formed between our relationships with one another. We know the devil deals in offense, and offense hinders reconciliation. Help us to not be easily offended by one another so that we may keep open clear paths of communication. We thank you for our spiritual relationships and from today on we will be intentional to fight for each one. In Jesus name we pray...


Challenge: Today I challenge you reconcile a relationship that has been strained from “small foxes”. Lay your pride aside and show the other person that you value the relationship and are ready to fight for it.

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