Subject: [Devotional] Knowledge vs. information

Hosea 4:6 - Knowledge vs. Information

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge...“ (Hosea 4:6 NIV)

By Chris

We are living in a day and age where information about anything is a Google Search away.

Our society has become so accustomed to absorbing large amounts of information instantly.

If we're not careful, that same approach can filter into our spiritual walk and cripple it. Expecting to easily find answers about Christ without patience or faith.

You see, the world is full of individuals who have information about Christianity but no real knowledge of Christ. They may have heard about the story but lack a true experience for themselves.

It is this lack of knowledge that can/will destroy our lives.

Do you know of any information junkies in your life? Someone who relies on Web MD for their symptoms before they pray to God for healing?

Brothers, to know God is to experience Him. In order to experience Him we must believe in Him. In order to believe in Him we must have faith in an unseen Savior.

It takes faith to move from having information about Christ and knowing Him as your personal Lord and Savior.  

Information about Christ is a great start, but we must never settle there.

We must go deeper.

After all, when its all said and done it won't matter much about what you know. It's all about who you know.

Lets pray...

"Father we want to know you on a deeper level. Let us experience levels in Christ that will blow our minds. Help us to know your ways that we may mimic them more accurately on earth. Thank you for information Lord, but we know it is meaningless in comparison to knowing you as our Lord and Savior. We pray for every information junkie that they will come into the knowledge of Christ. In Jesus Name...


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