Subject: [Devotional] Killing flies

Matthew 26:41 - Killing Flies

“Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” (Matthew 26:41 NLT)

by Chris

If you’re anything like me I hate flies with a passion.

From the buzzing sound they give while flying close to my ear to being nearly impossible to kill. Especially when they find their way into the privacy of my home.

In an attempt to kill a fly in my house the other day God showed me something.

As I approached this fly early in the AM it appeared as if it was sleeping. It wasn’t moving much and it sat stationary longer than usual.

I thought “Oooh, this should be an easy one to kill”. I grab some spare papers and rolled them up, approached the fly slowly, raised my hand even slower, and swung as fast as I could.


The fly jumps out of the way just in time. I’m shocked, angry, and confused because I could’ve swore I was catching it while it’s guard was down. 

This is how the enemy wants to catch us.

Flies are insects with the ability to process incoming threats incredibly fast. Studies have shown before the treat comes in not only do they see it but they have already calculated where they will fly/jump to.

As humans we will never be able to calculate and move at such a rate. However, we serve a God that knows all and sees all.

Brothers, may I suggest that our discernment can yield results similar to a fly with an incoming threat? The spirit reveals to us who or what the devil is using to attack us and gives us insight on where to position ourselves for victory.

Our job is to stay alert, watch, and remain prayerful. So that we may be in constant connection with the Holy Spirit and easily yield to it’s revelation in our lives.

Next time you try to kill a fly pause for a moment and envision a role swap. The fly being you as your physical body acts as the enemy coming to kill, steal, and destroy.

As the enemy approaches and thinks he has you for good, you have already pre calculated the outcome and are able to move out of harms way to live another day.

As much as I hate them, I understand they exhibit a level of being alert that all Christians should strive for through the Holy Spirit.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for your revealing Spirit. A Spirit that provides discernment and wisdom in situations when the best path is not easily seen. You allow us to see beyond the now and get a glimpse into our future. This allows us to see past the trick and threat of the enemy and overcome temptation. Help us to be more alert as we walk in faith Father. Keeping a watch not only for ourselves but for our brothers sharing in sacrifice as well. Amen”

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