Subject: [Devotional] If He did it before...

Hebrews 13:8 - If He Did It Before

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13: NLT)

by Chris

One thing is for sure about man...he will let you down.

It’s what makes us human. The inability to remain consistent and continually meet the needs of those around us is an intentional trait of the human nature designed by the Creator.

So the reason man can’t help but let you down at some point is because we were never designed to be able to meet the needs of everybody.

That’s God’s job.

God always comes through in the clutch. He knows how to meet the needs we aren’t even aware of. He knows we are flawed and covers our failures with grace daily.

The problem occurs when we look at man to be like God in our lives.

Has someone close to you every let you down when you needed them the most? They may have had your back on a smaller issue, but when you really needed them they dropped the ball.

You don’t have to worry about that with Christ.

The same God who provided for you before, will provide for you now.

And He will keep doing it.

Brothers, I know life’s trials tend to get the best of us at times. When we need to pray and exercise faith, we sometimes give in to doubt, facts, and fear.

But if in your trial you can just take a moment to reflect on the past and all the victories you’ve seen in Christ; you will find more than enough reason to continue forward with full faith and confidence in God that He will work it out.

Since He did it before...he will do it again.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for your immovable presence in our lives. Lord I know at times we want you to conform to our wants and our lifestyle, but you remain consistent. You are a rock that stands for everything righteous in our lives. A rock that we do not move to fit our needs, but a rock we conform our needs and lifestyle to. Give us the presence of mind in our trial to find comfort in the victories of the past. Strengthen our faith knowing that even though the situation may look different, you and your power to deliver remain the same. In Jesus name we pray...


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