Subject: [Devotional] - Greatest quarterback ever

Psalm 37:23 - Greatest Quarterback Ever

“The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” (Psalm 37:23 NLT)

by Chris

In the NFL the quarterback is one of the most, if not the most, important positions.

He controls the entire offense. He navigates and instructs each player how to execute each play called.

The two main keys for the entire offense team is to protect the quarterback and score.

To relate this to faith...God is our quarterback. He calls all the shots (orders our steps). Our job is to obey His commands, maintain the integrity of the church (protect), and win lost souls (score).

However, every now and then the defense will appear to have a hunch on what the next play is. In those cases an audible is called. This allows the quarterback to make a last minute, in game decision to counter act what the defense is doing.

While this is true in life it is never the case with God. God’s plans always work and the enemy will never have an upper hand. God simply never needs audibles.

But that doesn’t stop us from trying to call one, unfortunately.

Have you ever called an audible from God’s plan due to a lack of faith and fear from the enemy? You know, those times when your circumstance seems bigger than the God you serve. Instead of acting with faith, you let facts and fear dictate your actions.

Brothers, take comfort today in knowing that God has already worked it out in your favor. Trust in Him and believe that no matter what schemes the devil throws your way, you will always end victorious.

As long as you allow God to be God and call the plays.

A job well done is often celebrated with the Super Bowl trophy. God’s reward is a crown in heaven.

I’ll take the crown.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for removing the weight of having to make every decision on our own. We will rely on your word and instruction instead of our own. Lord we know that facts and circumstances can cloud our judgement and fade our faith. So we thank you for the wisdom to know that the only way to win is to give it to you and leave it in your hands. Thank you for bearing our load. In Jesus name we pray...

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