Subject: [Devotional] Good 'ol days

Ecclesiastes 7:10 - Good 'ol Days

“Don’t always be asking, “Where are the good old days?” Wise folks don’t ask questions like that.” 
(Ecclesiastes 7:10 MSG)

by Chris

As men, it seems like we’re always talking about the past. What we used to do.

Some of us marvel at how athletic we were, or how much easier life used to be for us. People, in general, are taught to compare and contrast the times that were with the times that are.

The problem is this can lead to us romanticizing about the past. If we’re not careful we can start thinking so highly of the past that we begin to doubt the future could ever compare.

But God is doing a new thing!

Brothers, what God wants to do in your future is far greater than what you’ve seen Him do in your past. To marvel at the past is if it can’t get any better is to act in doubt not faith.

I know sometimes our “now” can seem overwhelming and the thought of overcoming it a distant reality. However, God is the same today as He was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.

The same God that brought you to today, will bring you through today. And He will keep bringing you through until the promise is fulfilled.

Take heart today in knowing that you serve a forward thinking God. A God who has more in store ahead than we could ever imagine or think.

So when you look back, let it be to learn and marvel at what God has done. But look forward and get excited at what He is doing and is about to do in your life.

Lets pray...

“Father we come before you today with a heart of anticipation for what is to come. We understand the importance of learning from our past and acknowledging your hand of protection over our lives. However, Lord we promise to not limit your goodness to only the days of old. Today we expect great things and even greater things to come for our lives. You have filled our hearts with hope for what you will do in our lives. We trust you Lord! Amen.”

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