Subject: [Devotional] Gone too far

2 Samuel 11:14 - Gone Too Far

In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die. (2 Samuel 11:14 NIV)

by Chris

David slept with his top soldier's wife Bathsheba. He later found she was pregnant. 

In his attempt to hide his sin he tried to deceive Uriah of this trespass. 

His first attempt was to invite Uriah home from war to sleep with her so he would think the child was his own. 

When that didn't work David attempted to get Uriah drunk thinking he would lay with his wife while under the influence. 

When that didn't work David decided to get Uriah killed. 

Brothers, sin is never satisfied. It will take you further than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay. 

When was the last time a little hidden sin grew larger than you could control? 

It may have began as a small temptation but grew into full blown sin that you may have felt the need to cover up. Only to realize later that it was out of control and unmanageable

Word of advice...NEVER TRY TO COVER YOUR SIN. 

Instead find someone to confide in. Otherwise the enemy will use your shame to separate you from the body. 

The only covering of sins we need is the blood of Jesus. Though there are consequences for every sin, they are covered under the blood as long as we repent.

David was later found out and exposed by the prophet Nathan. A reality that proved there is no hiding from the Lord. But moreso, proved that God wants us to keep a clean conscience when it comes to sin.

Keeping a short account and striving to walk in the light of Jesus Christ.

Lets pray..

“Father thank you for your forgiveness. There are times that we let the size of our sins cloud our judgement Lord. I rebuke the deceit of the enemy today. That every man will realize there is no sin greater than the other and ALL sins should be brought to light. Surround us father with trustworthy men that we may confide in with our trespasses. Help us to walk upright before you Lord with a clear heart and mind. In Jesus name...Amen”

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