Subject: [Devotional] Finishing strong

Ecclesiastes 7:8 - Finishing Strong

“The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.” (Ecclesiastes 7:8 NIV)

by Chris

I used to get excited about starting a new endeavor or hearing of other’s new start.

Wisdom as shown me that my excitement must be matched with patience.

Nothing you start ever looks the same when it is complete.

A caterpillar forms into a beautiful butterfly, a fetus becomes a full grown adult, a sinner becomes a mighty man of God.

All these transformations in life take time and patience to see the end. It is the end that people remember the most.

In sports it’s not uncommon for a team to have an amazing regular season record only to be wiped away by a poor performance in the post season. Mature players understand this and take their game up another level when the end of the post season nears.

Sports legends are not defined by how many games they win, they are defined by how many championship they win. How they end each season cements their legacy into the history books of the sport.

Brothers, the same goes for us in our Christian walk. Salvation is for everyone. Anybody can receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior. But it takes endurance, patience, and faith to finish the race.

To maintain a life of integrity and honor. To hear the words ”well done” at the end of your life.

As we put a cap on this fast God is telling you to finish strong. Don’t worry about if you slipped up and broke your fast this week...finish strong. If you started late don’t worry about it just...finish strong. Your flesh may be telling you it doesn’t have another day left to give; ignore the flesh, empower the spirit and...finish strong.

We are called be be great finishers of the Word, not just starters.

Apply this principle to every area in your life and know that as long as there is breathe in your body, you can change any situation in your life by staying the course and finishing strong.

Lets pray...

“Father as we end our fast today we thank you for the revelation you have given us all. Thank you for strengthening us and allowing us to experience a closer relationship with you. Father give us the courage to go forward in all that you have shown us. There are people we need to cut off, lifestyles that need to be changed, and forgiveness that is waiting on us to initiate. We know it doesn’t matter the mistakes in life we’ve made. You will honor our finish. I pray for a strong finish for every man on this devotional in Jesus name. Amen”


The 5-Day Fast ends today promptly at 5pm your respective local time. 

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