Subject: [Devotional] - Faith first

Faith First

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)

by Chris

There is a fundamental requirement to becoming a's faith.

Faith is the cornerstone of Christianity in which God gives us the ability to surpass the facts of the world.

However, you can’t have both facts and faith.

In fact, I’ve found this to be true...

“Where facts are many faith is few”.

Have you ever met a person that has facts on everything but no faith to exercise on anything?

When God is calling you to do something supernatural in your life all they can provide are facts why you shouldn’t do it.

The world looks for signs before they believe, we believe by faith and signs later confirm.

God never has, and never will, give us anything without believing by faith first. The same belief we set upon an unseen God, is the same belief that we are required to use to do great works in His name on earth.

So look at your current situation...are you there because it make sense (facts), or are you walking a journey nobody quite understands the path except you (faith)?

Whatever faith move God has been pulling you it.

Defy all facts, logic, and history; believe God at his word and activate your faith NOW.

Lets pray...

“Lord thank you for being faithful to us when our faith in you fails. We thank you for the gift of faith. Through it we find peace in our lives that others long for. We are able to achieve the unimaginable because of it. Help us to live by faith so well that it attracts both believers and non-believers. In Jesus name...


Tomorrow will be a guest devotional by one of our daily readers. He sent it to me yesterday and I’m excited to share with you all tomorrow. If you have a devotional you would like to share with the rest of us, please reply to this devotional and email it to me personally. Your voice most definitely matters.
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