Subject: [Devotional] Even you

Ecclesiastes 7:20 - Even You

“Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20 NLT)

by Chris

I think people tend to forget this at times.

The fact that this flesh can produce no good thing on its own. That you don’t have to teach a baby how to sin, it just comes natural as they mature.

God understood this and sent his Son to deliver us from our flesh.

He understood we would need more than just a command in the form of a law. He knew sending his Son would be the ultimate example of true sacrifice and that Jesus could overcome the flesh once and for all for the entire mankind.

If that’s not forward thinking I don’t know what is!

But why do we continue to look down upon people who publicly struggle with sin? As Christians I must admit we’ve done a great job of learning how to cover our struggles instead of being open and honest with one another.

While other’s walk around naked in their sin we very rarely unclothe in the presence of others to identify with the frailty of our flesh.

Furthermore, we will shun or expel the righteous man for falling to sin the second we catch wind of it. Knowing most of us have done something similar or worse in our lives less within the last week.

This was never God’s intent for us. He sent his Son to teach us how to love people in their sin. How to identify with one another’s struggles by meeting them where they are.

Brothers, lets start going out of our way to make sure our actions are not self righteous. Knowing that we are all one sin away from a very bad situation should show us not only how fragile our flesh is, but...

how good God’s grace in mercy in our lives is.

He’s extended it to us that we may follow suit and extended it to others.

Lets pray...

“Father, rinse our hearts today. Remove any feelings of malice, bitterness, erroneous judgement, envy, and anything else that keeps us from treating our fellow brother in love. Lord we have all sinned and fallen short. Let us not forget it was your saving grace alone that keeps us every day. There is no credit we can take for you continual forgiveness and redemption in our lives. Lord help us to extend that same form of treatment to others in and out of sin. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

Big Announcement.
I'm excited to reveal to you all what I have been working on pertaining to our daily devotionals. This devotional has been an instrumental piece in developing a closer relationship with God for me. This week I'll be launching what's next with the Men's Daily Devotional! Keep an eye out for it.
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