Subject: [Devotional] Dried up

Ezekiel 37:3 - Dried Up

He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” (Ezekiel 37:3 NIV)

by Chris

Ezekiel was brought out to a valley of bones by the Lord.

Upon arriving He asked Ezekiel the very question we see in today’s scripture...”Can these bones live?”.

Clearly this is another case of the Lord asking a rhetorical question. A question that needs no answer for His behalf, but one that when asked incites us to think deeper about a situation.

As the scripture reads on God orders Ezekiel to speak life into the bones. As Ezekiel speaks to the bones they begin to come together. Flesh developed, skin covering the flesh, breath entering their bodies until they stood up as a vast army.

What a powerful experience the Lord allowed Ezekiel to have!

Unlike Ezekiel, many of us would rather watch the power of God move than actually be a part of the movement. We feel comfortable in the stands cheering for team Jesus instead of actually being in the game sweating and fatigued.

Faith is not built on merely watching the work of God. It comes first by hearing the Word of God, it is then given life by doing.

Can you imagine how much Ezekiel’s faith in God grew after speaking life into the dry bones? Him actually experiencing being a vessel that God uses mightily to perform a miracle.

Brothers, think about the dead situations in your life right now. Maybe it’s a dream you have given up on. A relationship turned sour. Or hope deferred turned into doubt and disbelief.

Whatever the case, God has given us all the power to speak life back into those situations. Although He has all the ability to do it himself, He wants us to experience the work of God through us.

As a father I teach my son many things by showing and instructing him. However, the true power comes when he performs the tasks himself. When he sees what it takes to do it and how it feels afterwards.

God is expects the same thing from us.

Activate your faith today and speak life.

Lets pray...

“Father, you are awesome and mighty. Your love is everlasting. Thank you for the opportunity you have given us through the Holy Spirit to perform great works on earth in your name. Father you know the dry bones in our lives. Give us the instruction and confidence to speak to them. We claim restoration of old hopes and dreams. Reconciliation of relationships and families. We know that the power of life and death is in our tongue. Today we speak life and expect life to return to every situation we speak to by faith. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”
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