Subject: [Devotional] Don't have to know it all

Don't Have To Know It All

He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.” (Psalms 107:20 ESV)

by Chris

Today I’d like to share a story from a book I read that helped deliver me from fornication and pornography.

He talks about a young boy that heard there was a man who possessed all the wisdom in the world.

The young boy set out on journey to find this man to learn all his wisdom.

Deep in the mountains of a distant land the boy finds the wise man’s temple. Upon arrival he tells him he is there to learn all the wisdom in the world.

The wise man agrees and hands him a book that he claims has all the wisdom the young boy seeks. Once he reads it in its entirety the wisdom will be his.

The young boy began to read the book. Before he could get pasted a few pages the wise man pours dust on his hands. The dust causes the young boy to itch and scratch his hands all day.

The wise man did this repeatedly, every day.

Until one day as the wiseman was about to pour the dust, the young boy grabs his hand and tells him to stop.

He says, “Everyday I try to read this book and everyday you distract me by pouring this itching powder on my hands.”

The wise man replies, “So now you have learned true wisdom. You don’t need to wait until you have learned everything before you can stop doing anything”.

Brothers, I found we take the same approach to God at times. Before we take any steps towards preventing our sinful acts we think we have to know so more scriptures or be saved for a longer amount of time.

You possess more than enough right now to start making the change in your life you desire.

Remember, you won’t be able to do it alone. You will need some guidance and accountability.

You need community.

Today would be a great day to start by going to church if you haven’t been in awhile.

If you can’t make it, email me and I’ll give you notes from today’s sermon at my church.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for another day. Thank you for equipping us with all we need to become the change agents in our own lives. Help us to realize the work you’ve already done on our behalf so we may walk boldly in it. Remove the guilt and shame that tends to separate us from you. Let us feel your love even when we think you’re not feeling our sin. In Jesus name...

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