Subject: [Devotional] Do better

James 4:17 - Do Better

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” (James 4:17 NIV)

by Chris

Living in the Information Age we are bombarded with all sorts of information daily.

With the inception of social media we are always “in the know” from information about what everyone else around us is doing.

If we are not careful we can easily master in identifying the problems of others while minoring in identifying our own.

With every new piece of information learned, we become that much more accountable for what we know. We become responsible to carry out the correct actions based on the new knowledge that we have entered into.

Have you ever received new information that you should’ve acted on but didn't? For a lot of people this new information is the Bible. They become hearers and not doers of the information found in the scriptures.

God requires us to change our ways according to our knowledge. He expects us to search the scriptures to become well-informed about the lives we should be living amongst each other.

Instead of claiming ignorance towards matters of Christianity, God wants us to be good stewards and put to work, by faith, the knowledge and revelations of the bible.

Brothers, as leaders of today’s society we must take responsibility for all that we know to do that is good. We must commit to continual education on how to live according to His word.

Let us not fill our minds with such foolish information shared via channels of multi-media. But let our hunger for more information be satisfied with the Word of God; and our intentions be to put such information to use.

In doing so, we will reap the reward of souls saved.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for you Word. The world wants to feed us its words of death and destruction but we accept yours Lord. We accept your instruction over any tv show, social media site, advertisement, or news broadcast. We take full responsibility for putting into action he information you have given us through your Word. That we may not sin by being dormant in our faith, but that we will fulfill your will on earth and see many souls saved by the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray these things in Jesus name...Amen”
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