Subject: [Devotional] Dear enemy

Matthew 5:44 - Dear Enemy

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44 NIV)

by Chris

America was in an uproar on the afternoon of July 14, 2013.

At approximately 9 am ET a Florida judge acquitted a man of all charges regarding the murder of a 17 year old teen.

The racial undertone to the case screams for America to look very seriously on how justice is reached and served for different races.

To see things like this happen in today’s society is a very scary.

However, it is not surprising.

The world is filled with hatred, greed, racism, murder, and more. It is God that ultimately holds it all together. Without Him we would literally kill each other off in some way.

So when we see cases like this occur 2 things should happen:
  1. Prayer for the families who have lost a loved one

Honestly, when is the last time your prayed for your enemy? Most of us pray for strength to deal with our enemies. Or ask for deliverance from them.

As a father of 3, it would truly test my faith to pray for someone who murdered one of my children. Especially after witnessing the failure of the justice system to serve true justice.

However, I would try with all my might to pray for them.

Brothers, I know it is hard sometimes when you’ve been severely wronged or persecuted. As men we can carry a lot of pain inside due to pride.

But the only thing that will help the world as we know it is prayer and love. Not anger, hatred, or revenge.

Today I pray for both the families of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

Will you join me?

“Father the hearts of a family are torn today. The hearts of another are uplifted. In both situations you remain God. Your comfort and love knows no boundary. Your forgiveness is not limited to a certain people. Today Lord show us how to pray for both parties. Let us push past our anger or elation and pray for each family involved in this tragedy. Father we ask that you give peace to the family whose loss is tremendous today. Life will never be the same for either family. We pray today, that somehow in some way this incident brings souls closer to you. Trayvon in peace. George Zimmerman...God bless you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

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