Subject: [Devotional] Credit score

1 Corinthians 3:6-7 - Credit Score

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7 NIV)

by Chris

You can only play your part when it comes to reaching the lost.

The faster you understand that, that better off you will be. However, sometimes we tend to think are part is bigger than what it really is. Or that we deserve (or want) more credit than we are given.

This happens on all levels of Christianity.

A pastor may take it upon himself to plant, water, and grow from the pulpit. While other Christians my take it upon themselves to get a lost soul to accept Christ in one sitting or conversation.

Have you ever tried to do too much to get someone to come to the Lord? Almost as if you felt the more scripture you shared and the longer you “proved” how good God is that they would ultimately come to Christ.

Doing so is not only selfish, but it is unbiblical.

As the scripture points out salvation is a team effort. The person who plants the seed is very rarely the same one who waters.

And no matter who plants or waters it’s always up to God to give the increase. He always gets the credit for a new soul claimed.

After all, there is only one man that willingly died on the cross for all mankind. He definitely deserves all the credit.

As men of God, the best thing we can do is continue to live our lives full of integrity. Use our discernment to know when to witness and when to stop.

We must remain confident in the part we play and allow the rest to be done through the witness of others.

There is nothing we can do, or have to do, on our own. We should take it as an honor to be able to serve as co-workers in God’s service.

I know I do.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for salvation. You are an amazing God. Loving to a level that is incomprehensible. Lord, in our effort to reach the lost help us to not do too much. Let us not try to take the credit of salvation for the lost when witnessing. But let us find joy in allowing others to play their part. Guide us to trust the witness of others and understand that we would not want to take any credit for saved souls anyway. Let our focus on earth be to build your credit score for souls...not our own. In Jesus name we pray. Amen”

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