Subject: [Devotional] Courageous

Daily Scripture
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
~ Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Did you know the term “do not be afraid” or “fear not” appears in the bible approximately 365 times?

Yup, that’s a scripture a day for overcoming fear.

Fear is one of the devil’s favorite tools to rob you of the promise God has in store.

Instead of being mighty men of God...we fear what people will say about us when they find out we’re living right. We don’t express our true feelings in fear of being rejected or ridiculed.

You don't  >
fill in the blank <  because of fear.

We cannot keep living our lives in the shadow of fear.

The only way to combat fear is through faith. Faith in the promise from God that he will be with us wherever we go. God always gives provision for the vision.

I want to encourage you today to not wait another second to act on whatever God has told you to do in faith. I was always told...

“Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s the act of doing in spite of fear”.

Be courageous in Christ today.

Lets pray...

“Thank you Lord for courage. Help us to overcome any fear we are facing in our lives with abundant faith in you. Faith that doesn’t need to be understood to be activated. Lord you have called us to do great things and the devil has tried to use fear to keep us stagnant. No more! Today, Lord we choose to trust in your promise to always be with us, and by faith we rebuke all fear from the enemy.”


In great prayer,

Chris L. Davis

P.S. If you will, reply to this email and tell me about any area in your life you would like to be more courageous
. Let me touch and agree with you on walking in the courage to overcome that area of your life.