Subject: [Devotional] Could've been me

Proverbs 14:12-13 - Could've Been Me

“There’s a way of life that looks harmless enough; look again—it leads straight to hell. Sure, those people appear to be having a good time, but all that laughter will end in heartbreak.” (Proverbs 14:12-13 MSG)

by Chris

I was like that.

Young, dumb, and selfish. I know from the outside it appeared that I was having a good time.

Laughing at the plight of others, polluting my body with drugs, different women almost every night, no regard of the words that came out of my mouth, and manipulating people for my personal gain.

And that’s the short list.

But I remember how empty I felt inside. After all my friends left, the drugs wore off, and the women were gone.

It just felt so empty. So useless.

Have you ever chased a dream only to realize it was a nightmare? You accepted the world’s promise as the truth until you realized the REAL truth.

It seems like the times I “had it all” in the world were some of my lowest moments. I will never forget those feelings.

It is remembering such pain and loneliness that helps me see past the smokescreen of the enemy when he promotes sin in other’s lives as if it’s the best thing ever.

I can see past the act and feel the hurt in their heart. I know they are dealing with pains no one could ever imagine. I am aware of where they will end up if they don’t change.

But I have compassion for them all could’ve been me. In fact, it was me.

If it had not been for the grace and mercy of God that saved my life and freed me from a life of sin, there I go as well.

Brothers, don’t be swayed by the enemy’s smokescreens. The only life worth living is a life in Christ.

Everything else is just an illusion, a mere passing of the wind.

Don’t place your eternity on that.

Lets pray...

“Father we pray for every lost soul today. That they will come into the light of the absolute truth in You. Guide our hearts to pray for them instead of persecute their sin. Let our lives be a constant reminder of your goodness and mercy. With no word spoken let the way we carry ourselves be ministry enough to make an impact on the people we encounter daily. Thank you for freeing us all from the depths of hell on earth. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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