Subject: [Devotional] - Comfort or the Comforter

Luke 9:58 - Comfort or the Comforter

“But Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.’” (Luke 9:58 NIV)

by Chris

Jesus was a man of truth. No sugar coating, or manipulation just hard, honest truth.

This scripture is His reply to someone who promised to follow Jesus wherever He went.

As you can see Jesus’ reply was not a glamorized version of what to expect by walking with the Savior. Instead, He expressed what it will take to truly follow Him.

Jesus wasn’t concerned with convincing people to follow Him...He was on divine assignment. If you wanted to follow after He laid out what a true path of a follower has in store for them, then you were fit to be discipled.

In essence, we are all faced with this reality everyday. When Jesus ascended to the heavens He left behind a Comforter (the Holy Spirit). We have a choice to remain comfortable in our lives or live a life navigated by the Comforter.

This is part of taking up your cross and dying daily. Jesus states there is no place for the Savior to lay His head.

Can you imagine the feeling of wanting to relax in a comfortable place after a long day of ministry? Now imagine not being able to do so for the sake of ministry. This is the life Jesus knew. He knew it would not be comfortable and would require great sacrifice.

My question to you today is, what assignment in life are you forfeiting for the sake of comfort? Is there a specific task or instruction God has given you that requires you step out of your comfort zone repeatedly?

Today, chose the Comforter. 

Jesus knew the road ahead for each one of us will be a tough one. He also knew we would need help.

Will you step outside of your comfort zone today for the sake of Christ?

Lets pray...

“Lord thank you for your Holy Spirit that comforts us. We know the Holy Spirit allows us to remain in constant communication with you. We need this Lord to do what you have called and required of us to do. Father, help us to step out of our comfort zone and follow the instruction of the Comforter in our lives. We know the road won’t be easy, but to do your will is worth it. Thank you for your example in Jesus.


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