Subject: [Devotional] Burden Bearer

Matthew 11:28-30 - Burden Bearer

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)

by Chris

A yoke is a wooden harness used to guide oxen or other draft animals while plowing fields.

When training a new animal (such as an ox) to plow, farmers often yoked it to a stronger, more experienced animal who bore the burden and guided the young animal through the learning process.

This defines the Christian walk.

When we accept Christ as our Savior we have the opportunity to take up His yoke. To allow him to carry the majority of the burden and help guide us as we plow through the fields of life.

As men we have a tendency to try to figure everything out on our own and solve our own issues. Jesus simply offers us relief from such ways of living.

He knows how heavy a burden we can take on in life at times. He knows how exhausting it can be to try to carry the load alone.

So He offers His yoke.

When is the last time someone volunteered to bear your burden with you? Not just some of your burden, but most of it. Not just the easy stuff.

God delights in sharing our burdens.

Don’t confuse the scripture, this is not a call to a lazy or indulgent life. There is still a yoke to bear and burden to bear. Yet with and in Jesus, they are easy and light.

Don’t go through life another day alone. It’s okay to be weak, tired, and broken in the presence of Christ. Find comfort in knowing that you have a Savior who delights in sharing your burden.

We all need, and take, breaks while working our natural jobs. Christ is calling us to do the same in Him.

Take up His yoke, and find rest.

Lets pray...

“Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much. Life tends to wear on us and wear us out. But you God, offer rest. You want to bear our burdens with us. You provide strength in our weakest hours. Lord help us to cast more of our cares upon you. Knowing that we are not bothering you with our issues, but inviting you into our lives to bear and go through with us. Thank you for never leaving us alone. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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