Subject: [Devotional] Better than you?

Matthew 7:11 - Better Than You?

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” 
(Matthew 7:11)

by Chris

I have 3 kids and at times it seems like all they do is ask me for stuff.

Their list never ends as if the money I make is unlimited and just appears simply from them wanting something new.

Has much as it bothers me at times I also find great joy in providing some of the things asked of me. To see their face light up with joy is something I love to see.

Sometimes my daughter is so surprised that all she can do is gasp and get big eyed. No words are necessary at that point and my heart is satisfied for the moment.

Have you ever thought that God looks at us in a similar manner? And he delights in providing for us. He longs to see our face glow with extreme appreciation for what He has given us.

God is not like the rest of us fathers, He is the best father. A father who gives the greatest gifts.

As natural fathers we give our children the greatest gifts we can imagine and are capable of giving. However, this is just a small preview of the gifts that God is capable of giving.

Brothers, today find comfort in knowing that God delights in giving good gifts to you. The same feeling we get from our children we can give to God by showing appreciation and having a heart of thanks towards Him.

You are never to old to be his child.

Lets pray...

“Thank you for being the greatest Father we could ever ask for Lord. You give good gifts that we can’t even imagine. You look out for our needs on a level not even we are capable of doing. We thank you for every child you have blessed us with and pray that we never grow old of delighting in giving them good gifts. Just as you delight in giving gifts to us. Thank you Jesus. Amen”

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