Subject: [Devotional] Behind you

Luke 9:62 - Behind You

But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62 NIV)

by Chris

When God says do something do it.

Do it with full confidence and do NOT look back.

In order to follow Jesus and walk into the promises of God, it requires commitment. A commitment similar to a farmer flowing a field.

It is said that a farmer keeps the rows straight by focusing on an object in front and in the distance (such as a tree). If the farmer started to plow and kept looking behind, he would never make straight rows and do a good job plowing.

As the tree is to the farmer to keep him straight, so is Jesus to us in our daily walk. With our eyes consistently focused on Him we are able to continue to walk upright in his statues and commands.

Have you ever started something in Christ then lost sight as things progressed? Maybe you became busy, tired, or simply got distracted.

It happens to the best of us. This is why Jesus used the illustration of plowmen. Plowmen also do something else of great importance; they hold on.

A plowman who lets go is no plowman at all.

The same can be said about our faith...

On who does not believe fully, is no believer at all.

Brothers, if any of you are facing adversity as you walk in the promises of God; take heart and keep pushing. Don’t look back to your prior situation for comfort or direction.

As good as it may appear remember you left it in the past for a reason. God wants to accomplish a new thing in you.

Your commitment and steadfastness is required.

Lets pray...

“Father, thank you for the example you set in Jesus Christ. Through him you showed us what can be accomplished if we yet stay focused on you. As we walk by faith help our sight to be narrow. Through our trials reminds us to stay fixated on you Lord. Let every step we take be an ordered step in the direction of getting to know you better. As we plow ahead towards your promises, strengthen our bodies that we will not grow weary. We pray these things in Jesus name...Amen”

More prayer, more power.
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