Subject: [Devotional] Be careful

1 Corinthians 10:12 - Be Careful

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Corinthians 10:12 NIV)

by Chris

In college I had a conversation with a friend of mine. He asked me if I would ever go to the club to witness to the lost.

I told him I wouldn't and he disagreed. He stated that since Jesus hung with sinners, we should be willing as well.

Well...Jesus was also without sin. Oh yeah don't forget the Son of Man. The only man to conquer ALL temptation.

Those are some pretty big distinguishing factors.

We have to carefully watch the situations we put ourselves in. Even for the sake of saving the lost.

As Christians I think we can sometimes think too highly of ourselves to fall to certain sins, that we forget about the frailty of our flesh.

To those people I careful!

Have you ever condemned someone of the same sin you later fell victim to? Realizing how easy it is to judge sin when it's not you who is in it.

Brothers, the greatest thing we can ever do when we see someone else fall to sin is to think, "That could've been me".

It is God’s grace and mercy that keeps us from falling to sin, not our own strength.

In your spare time, read verse 13.

Find comfort in knowing that God will always provide a way of escape. No matter how great the temptation.

That's love.

Lets pray...

"Father thank you for never giving up on us. When we do fall to temptation you don't throw us away. You are in it for the long haul. Help us to rely on your strength in the face of temptation. Remind us to not condemn others of their sin, but let us forever be aware that we can fall just as quickly. But we don't have to stay down. Thank you Jesus! Amen"

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