Subject: [Devotional] All you've got

Psalms 109:24 - All You've Got

“My knees are weak from fasting, and I am skin and bones.” (Psalms 109:24 NIV)

by Chris

David gave it all he had when it came to fasting.

He was under constant persecution and had a lot on his mind. He never lost hope in the Lord, however.

He cried out to him in humility and in sacrifice.

Though David is speaking figuratively in this scripture it is a great illustration of someone needing a deeper connection with God to continue on. To keep pressing.

I’d say we’re all in the same position as David.

We should respond as David did and cry out to the lord through fasting and prayer.

I came a cross an excellent article on “9 Ways To Worship Jesus Through Fasting”. Check out the link below and come back so we can end in prayer.

So far, quite a few of you have responded that you are on board for our 5 day fast next week. I will be sending out a fasting guide to help you decide what type of fast you would like to do.

If you haven’t yet decided to join us do so now by replying to this email. A simple “yes” in your reply is all that is necessary. 

Your commitment is important.

If you’re like me, you NEED God to move in your life today like never before.

It all starts with you.

Join us.

Lets pray...

“Father we are excited today to offer our bodies and desires to you. You are so worthy and gracious. We are all in need of a supernatural move in our lives Lord. We know that it can take place as we dedicate ourselves to fasting and praying. Lord I pray that you will part a spirit of willingness in every man that is reading this. That even if they have never fasted before they are willing to try next week for the first time. I know you will honor our hearts Father. And I thank you in advance for it. In Jesus name...Amen.”
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