Subject: [Devotional] - 2 mouths, 1 ear

Proverbs 17:27-28 - 2 Mouths, 1 Ear

“A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.” (Proverbs 17:27-28)

by Chris

Any good salesman will tell the key to closing deals efficiently all boils down to two things.
  1. Your ability to listen to the needs of your customer.
  2. Your ability to shut your mouth so your customer can tell you their needs.
When I was starting out in business I used to get this wrong more often than I’d like to admit. Not the listening part, but the “shut your mouth” part is where I would fall short.

This form of over-talking stems from being insecure in a given area of your life and feeling like you have to prove yourself to others.

Unfortunately it has become an epidemic in the body of Christ.

There is an abundance of individuals who will talk to you until you’re blue in the face trying to prove Jesus is Lord, and convince you that you need to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

To that person my question is...

When does the person you’re talking to actually get to talk and express what they’ve been going through in life?

Brothers, when reaching the lost sometimes we need to just shut up and listen. Listen to the hearts of these broken and lost people so that we can better understand their specific need.

When it comes time to talk and share the gospel you will find that you don’t need an abundance of words if you have heard their heart correctly.

You won’t need to convince them of anything because the way you live your life does that. You don’t have to prove to them Jesus is the only way because your life will reflect that.

I was always told God gave us two ears and one mouth so we can listen more than we talk. It was also to afford us the opportunity to operate in wisdom.

Such wisdom is needed to claim back lost souls.

Lets pray...

“Father, the body of Christ needs a spiritual hearing aide. Help us to exercise silence more in our witnessing. Let our intent be to hear the heart of the lost instead of forcing your Word down their throat. Lord we know in this day and age people are longing just to be heard. For someone to listen to their problems, honestly, and encourage them. Help us to be those people Lord. Let the way we live our lives be the biggest ministry we focus on. In Jesus name we pray...


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