Subject: Counting the Costs: Children

Daily encouragement for men of faith

"“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’ "

- Luke 14:28-30
They are a blessing regardless how they enter the world. They will also change your life forever.

Once a child is born your role as a man is to provide every emotional, financial, and spiritual need that child has. There is absolutely nothing a woman should be able to do to prevent you from being an active role in your child’s life.

Especially if the child is born out of wedlock.

If the mother of your child fights you, you fight back harder (legally). But the onus is always on you to never give up on being a presence in your child’s life.

This is a cost you must be willing to pay when you prematurely procreate.

You must also acknowledge that your life is no longer just about you and what you want to do. Children require sacrifice. You must be willing to let go of a laundry list of your bachelor ways when children are brought into the picture. Life becomes about them, not just you.

Jesus also instructs us that those who can remain humble like children are the greatest in his kingdom (Matt. 18:4). This can be very challenging if you are a man harnessing a lot of pride and ego.

Some key traits of becoming like children you must operate in are:
  • Maintain short memory of all offenses
  • Continually receive correction
  • Persistence in asking for what you need
  • Faith in provision without worry
  • Willingness to cry to your father
  • Loving towards all you encounter
  • Ability to admit you don’t know it all
These are just a few to help you understand what is required of every man of God.

In the natural, raise your children to the best of your ability. Instill godly values and principles into their spirit at a young age.

In the spiritual, take notes from your children and how they approach you. Check yourself to see if you have a similar approach when it comes to our Heavenly Father.

In the end, we are all children of God. A savior who paid the greatest cost of all to save each and every one of us.

Let’s pray…

“Father, help me to be a better father to my children. I accept full responsibility for any lack in my children’s life. No matter what it costs, legally and monetarily, I am committed to give my children all they deserve. Father as I raise them let me be teachable by them as well. Help me to embrace their pure and innocent approach to life that often gets lost in trials and tribulations we face. As a grown man, let me never forget that I will always be your child. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."
You're grown and still God's child...
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